Claire’s Place Foundation Launches COVID-19 Emergency Fund for People with Cystic Fibrosis
Claire’s Place Foundation medical expert recommends all with cystic fibrosis self-quarantine immediately
Claire’s Place Foundation, a non-profit organization providing support to children and families affected by cystic fibrosis (CF), has created a COVID-19 Emergency Fund to support the cystic fibrosis community during the COVID-19 outbreak. The fund will help the CF community during the COVID-19 crisis with grocery cards, supplies and access to medications.
“Our Board Member Richard K. Mathis, M.D., who has been caring for CF patients for over forty years, recommends all patients with CF institute a voluntary self-quarantine period for at least 14 days in the home immediately,” said Claire’s Place Foundation Executive Director Melissa Yeager. “People with CF are at grave risk if infected with COVID-19. CF patients, caregivers and family members of anyone affected by CF, please take all precautions. As a result, we realize many individuals with CF and their families will be financially impacted by this voluntary quarantine. Loss of work and isolation will make it very hard for these families and individuals to get the food, supplies and support they require. Most of the CF individuals and their families who reach out to us for support are already living dangerously close to the poverty line. That's why we created our COVID-19 Emergency Fund. This is unprecedented territory for us, we hope that the greater community gives generously so we can make funds available for CF families in need as quickly as possible.”
“COVID-19 affects the epithelial cells lining of the lungs which is detrimental to the health of someone with CF as the epithelial cells are already damaged due to CF,” said Dr. Mathis. “Individuals with CF and their household members are on the front line of the need for preventive measures and that includes self-quarantine for 14 days and ideally more.”
To donate to the Claire’s Place Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Fund please visit to help manage this current hardship. If you know someone with CF, please consider donating at least $50 on their behalf. If you would like to submit someone with CF for this emergency fund assistance please visit this page for further guidelines. A referral is required by a social worker, nurse or doctor.
About Claire’s Place Foundation, Inc.
Claire’s Place Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing support to children and families affected by cystic fibrosis (CF). Claire’s Place Foundation is named in honor of Claire Wineland who lived with CF her entire life and passed away at the age of 21. Claire was an activist, author, TEDx Speaker, social media star and received numerous awards. Claire’s foundation was a way for her to assure that others living with CF enjoyed the same hope, strength and joy that she enjoyed. Recipient of Los Angeles Business Journal’s “Small Nonprofit of the Year,” the foundation provides grants to families affected by CF, offering both emotional and financial support. Today, Claire’s Place Foundation continues to carry on Claire’s legacy. For more information and make a donation, please visit