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Our Strategy for Success

MECFA identified that a Strategic Plan detailing our strategy was vital to provide the organization with direction for decision making over the next 3 years, plus a blueprint for action by the management team.


The need for a Plan lies in recognition of both the internal environment of the organization with its increased project-based mission, its aim for financial security and the external environment where decision makers, funding agencies and donors require ever increasing accountability.


The Middle East Cystic Fibrosis Association focuses on; 

  1. Early and accurate diagnosis available in the region

  2. Providing training and guidance to establish CF Centers with specialized care teams

  3. Advocating for patients access to essential drugs, equipment, and care

Key Activities of MECFA


We have identified four major activity areas of the organization:

  1.  Donate affordable, reliable diagnostic systems and testing supplies to partnering hospitals in MECFA member countries.

  2. Organize training focused on quality improvement, CF team building, and establishing CF inpatient and outpatient centers in state funded hospitals.

  3.  Advocate on behalf of patients and families for access to a shortlist of essential drugs, equipment and  specialized care. 

    • Faciliate access to low cost essential drugs/equipment/diagnostics in MECFA developing member countries.​​​​​​​​​

  4. Spread awareness about CF and the challenges for clinicians, patients and families in the MECFA region. 

Target Population

MECFA focuses on reaching medical/health professionals, health officials, people with CF, and their families in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia.



MECFA is supported by events, donations, and grants from corporate and private sectors. 

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